Tax Return shall be filed by the Taxable Person to the Authority within 30 days following the end of the Tax Period, and this return shall specifically include the value of taxable and exempt supplies, the value of imported goods, value of output tax and input tax claimed, and the value of Tax due during the Tax Period. Tax Return not submitted by the due date gives the Authority the right to assess the Tax for the Tax Period, and notify the Taxable Person of the assessment by the Regulations.
What is the time limit for Tax Assessment in Oman?
Tax Assessment can be made within 5 years starting from the end of the present Tax Return submission time limit. The period will be extended to 10 years in cases where registration is not made within the time limits specified in this Law.
What is the time limit for filing a Revised Tax Return?
Revised Tax Return shall be filed by the Taxable Person to the Authority within 30 days following the error or omission being discovered in the Tax Return he submitted. A revised return filed within the time limit of the original Tax Return shall be regarded as the original Tax Return.
It is not allowed to amend the Tax Return after the completion of 3 years starting from the date of submission. In all cases, the Taxable person is not allowed to adjust the Tax Return if the Authority has initiated the tax inspection procedures in its respect.
Can the Authority adjust the Tax Return?
Yes, the Authority shall adjust the Tax Return submitted by the Taxable Person, if it is made aware that it contains an error or omission or it is insufficient, and notify the Taxable Person of the adjustment by the Regulations.
Tax Return shall not be adjusted after 3 years from the date of submission. It can be extended to 5 years in cases of proven fraud or following fraudulent means.
For enquiries, E-mail: info@aviaanaccounting.comm
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