If you are into any kind of business, you would have by now spread your wings into regions, cities, and nations away the origin of the business. With the boom of the internet and communication technologies, this is the norm of the day. You have to do this to keep abreast of your competitors who too are going global too.
But the journey is not easy, you would have strived and struggled to establish yourself globally. One of the obstacles on the way would have been communicating with people whose language you don’t know and those who don’t know your language. This is where translation services came into existence.
Translation companies in Dubai help you communicate effectively with clients and customers across the world who want to buy your products and use the services you offer. They interpret and translate foreign languages so that people globally can read your promotional materials, partner with you, and even collaborate with you for business purposes. They offer innovative and creative suggestions and solutions to make your information more readable, watchable, and impactful to the audience far and wide.
With great demands for translation into major and sublanguages globally, these translation services have a major role to perform in the expansion of your business. With this major role, comes a greater responsibility to give you perfect and professional end products. These end products could be brochures, promotional or advertising materials, reports, presentations, videos, technical instructions, user manuals, and much more.
To give you faster and more accurate translations, these translation companies in Dubai have taken the help of computer and communication technologies.
But, do we actually need translation technologies?
The translation services in Dubai and other cities of the world justify the use of technologies for translation. They say that technologies have helped them to produce much better work and in very lesser time. It has helped them create memory banks where all translations are stored and can be accessed at any time in the future. These technologies have increased the speed as the machines prompt previously translated phrases and sentences. They have also helped to translate into multiple languages simultaneously saving time, efforts, and money.
Internet communications have made it easier for translators and interpreters to connect with clients across the world and make their own presence felt wider too. They have more clients now than when they offered their services only by word of mouth or through simple advertising. Networking has been made much simpler and within reach of people in far off and remote areas as well.
Translation technologies have also made real time interpretations and translations possible. If you organise a conference or a meeting at your head office, you can be assured that people in different parts of the world who know different languages than you do, can also connect with you. Translation technologies translate your conversations, dialogues, presentations into various local and regional languages in real time. This was not possible with only manual translations. You would have had to wait for the information to be translated manually and then transmitted it to other language readers. This eats up precious time and you would lose out to many competitors in the market.
But, those who vote for manual interpretations and translations argue that these translation technologies have done them more harm than good. Clients now pay lesser to these manual translators as they cannot compete with the speed of these machines. They want the translation to be done as soon as possible as time means money in business. So, these language experts are in the danger of losing assignments and also being paid much less than before.
The companies using translation technologies argue that these have made their work much simpler. Along with online that are easily available, it has helped clients who are in remote locations as well. They too can avail of these facilities and become a name in themselves too.
Translation technologies have also solved the problem of handling large volumes of work as well as last minute projects. Companies depending only on man power sometimes face these problems of being over burdened with large volumes as well as large varieties of end products. They also cannot handle last minute and emergency translation orders due to lack of expertise, man power, as well as time.
A translation company which employs language experts to do the work has to hire many more people as it is next to impossible to get a language expert who knows several languages. On the other hand, the ICT technologies can do translations into multiple languages with less number of language experts. They don’t need to find and train people into multiple languages.
The translation technologies have the support of many translation services in Dubai as well as these ICT tools help the local companies to work with clients in several foreign languages like Italians, German, French, Chinese, and several Indian languages. It would not be possible to find people who are expert in all these languages and their local nuances along with being experts in Arabic. Language barriers are no longer there. These online tools and machines have also boosted bilateral talks between nations for trade, commerce, and other agreements.
With the demand for real time interpretations and translations, there are issues of back ground noises as many experts sit in the same hub or call centre and may get disturbed and distracted during real time projects. The translators who work from home face this problem too.
Translators also face problems of long working hours especially during seminars, webinars, and online video conferences which might go on for long hours. It becomes difficult to sit and work for so long.
Then there is the issue of trying to concentrate for such long durations and come up with accurate translations at the same time. Translating into multiple languages for a single such meeting would also need several language experts sitting across the globe in various regions. This increases the cost factor for the agency and the business too.
A problem that might be faced by companies using technologies to support them is that of training people to use these tools in remote areas. These machine handlers have to be trained to use all the tools of interpreting and translations.
The users of ICT for translation argue that machines give quicker and more precise sub titles to lectures, meetings, dialogues, workshops, seminars, and videos. This does not create gaps between what the speaker is saying and what the audience understands simultaneously in different regions of the world. This is a boon for education as the same product can be shown over and over again without loss of meaning and content.
Another drawback of doing only manual translations is that any language expert may not be an expert in various fields of content too. For example, a translator who knows Arabic, English, and French will not necessarily know about literature, entertainment, medicine, engineering, technology, law, finance etc. This restricts his inputs for a more enriched end product. A machine is fed with lot of research so that the minimum of operators will be able to translate materials of any field without even having much knowledge about them.
Yet, machine translations have certain inabilities. They may not be able to translate totally according to the local dialects and culture; and may even lack reference to context. Sometimes, the word to word translations may not work as the meaning is lost if human touch is not added. Machines may also not comprehend the slangs and other local expressions which a native speaker or a language expert may understand. The locals would not like this.
There are also certain topic related or industry related terminologies which the ICT tools may not understand. Even though common words and phrases along with their translations into some common languages may be fed into the systems, yet the machines may not translate perfectly according to the context they are being used in.
When speakers speak during meetings, conferences, lectures or in other platforms, they tend to pause and use seemingly nonsensical expressions like oh no, hmmm, aha etc. The machines will not be able to translate these as they go in for word to word translations.
There could also be errors in grammatical nuances according to local cultures and mother tongue influences. Human intervention is needed after this machine translation.
You may also wonder about the safety of the confidential business information and data that you will give to the language translators. These materials may be safer if given to companies offering to use translation technologies.
Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages; it is important to explore both before placing your orders for translations. You can contact many professional translation companies in Dubai that offer both the options. You can choose according to your needs and criteria.
The optimum solution to expand your business would be to use a combination of man and machine translations.
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